Hello There..
Back In " 25-12-2010 ''.. A Blog Called " BeRo0Q8 '' Was Born.. I Remember How I Was So In Love Reading Blogs And That Made Me Decided To Have One.. And I Finally Did..
This Past Year Was One Of The Hardest Years I've Been Through For So Many Reasons.. " BeRo0Q8 " Was My Simple Getaway.. A Second World Were I Collide With My Own Thoughts And Own Writings..
I've Always Been Passionate For Writing But Through All These Years And Being Busy With College Made Me Step Away And Almost Forget About It.. But After Becoming A Blogger I Started To Get Back To What I Truely Love And To What I'm Truely Good At..!
Back In " 25-12-2010 ''.. A Blog Called " BeRo0Q8 '' Was Born.. I Remember How I Was So In Love Reading Blogs And That Made Me Decided To Have One.. And I Finally Did..
This Past Year Was One Of The Hardest Years I've Been Through For So Many Reasons.. " BeRo0Q8 " Was My Simple Getaway.. A Second World Were I Collide With My Own Thoughts And Own Writings..
I've Always Been Passionate For Writing But Through All These Years And Being Busy With College Made Me Step Away And Almost Forget About It.. But After Becoming A Blogger I Started To Get Back To What I Truely Love And To What I'm Truely Good At..!
And I Can Tell You I Think I'm Truely Blessed.. Cuz Through This Blog I Had The Chance To Get To Know Amazing People Who By Time Became Friends.. Now I'm More Updated With News.. Ideas.. Almost About Everything From My Fellow Bloggers.. And Most Importantly I Learned A Lot About Myself..
And I Also Made Friends With Other People Who Aren't Bloggers.. Really Thanks To All Of Ya.. It's A Bless To Just Have You Around..
BeRo0Q8's First Post Was Published On The Very Next Day And Was Called: '' Embrace Life '' : Here
And Since That Day My Blogging Journey Began.. And I'll Keep On Blogging For As Long As I Can..
Anyway.. I Want To Thank Everyone Who Stood By Me Through This Year.. Thanks To Old Friends And New Ones..
A Big Thank You For All The Readers Who Give Small Comments With Meaningful Space In My Heart.. And Also Thanks For All The Silent Readers.. You All Make My Blog Interesting.. Keep It Up All..
Going Through All Those Old Posts.. Made Me Realize What A Great Journey I Had With My Blog.. Looking Forward Another Great Journey Ahead To Come..
Number Of Posts: 170
Number Of Comments: 659
Total Pageviews: 25,421
Anyway I'll Leave Few Links Of My Favourite Posts.. Enjoy..
1. '' I Feel Good..! '' : Here
2. '' The Way To Perfection..! '' : Here
3. '' Just My Luck..! '' : Here
4. '' Good Bye Year 2010 '' : Here
5. '' Second Option Sucks..! '' : Here
6. '' Caught Up Inside Memories.. '' : Here
7. '' Brand New Beginning.. '' : Here
8. '' Last Moments.. '' : Here
9. '' After Breaking Down.. " : Here
10. '' If Only... '' : Here
11. '' I'm No Failure..! '' : Here
12. '' Stop Misjudging Me..!! '' : Here
13. '' Not Missing.. Just Doesn't Exist..!! '' Here
14. '' Can I Live With Him..?! '' : Here
15. '' How Much Are You Willing To Give..?!! '' : Here
16. '' You Can Run.. You Can Hide.. But You Can't Escape My Love..!! '' : Here
17. '' Picture In Her Wallet..! '' : Here
18. '' Girl In The Mirror... '' : Here
19. '' Talk To Yourself.. '' : Here
20. '' A Feeling I Once Had.. '' : Here
21. '' Me And My Shell..! '' : Here
22. '' Fix It While You Still Can..! '' : Here
23. '' Light A Candle.. '' : Here
24. '' It's Really Not Me..! '' : Here
25. '' Dream Big.. Expect Less..! '' : Here
26. '' Me Dealing with disappointment..! '' : Here
27. '' Behind The Big Question What If ...?! '' : Here
28. '' Confess Or Else...! '' : Here
29. '' My Life On Paper..! '' : Here
30. " She Struggles.. '' Here
31. '' Get Used To Change..! '' : Here
32. '' Rocks Along The Way..! '' Here
33. '' The Word " Understanding '' ... : Here
34. '' Blind By Choice..! '' : Here
35. '' One Door Closed.. Another Opens '' : Here
36. '' Be Her/Him For A Minute..!! '' : Here
37. '' Social Butterfly Had Enough..!! '' : Here
38. '' What Kind Of A Friend Are You..?! '' : Here
39. '' What I Do When I Miss You..?!! '' : Here
40. '' Will I Be Missed..?! '' : Here
41. '' Through Bad Times.. '' : Here
42. '' What A Smile Can Do.. '' : Here
43. '' Home I Miss.. '' : Here
44. '' Never Realized That..?!!! '' : Here
45. " I Belong Here For Now..! '' : Here
Wow What A Long List.. I Know..
Ooh .. And Merry Christmas For Everyone Celebratimg Today..
And Happy 1st Year Birthday My Dear Blog " BeRo0Q8 '' ..
With All The Love My Heart Can Handle..
P.s: I Had To Delete The Old Post For Some Reason.. And I Wanna Say Thanks For Those Who Comment.. '' Izdiher , Butterflychick And S3od ..

Congratulation dear :) and keep going , wish all the best , oh myy god I met u only twice but i feel that I know u long time ago , tdsheen elgalb , love your blog
ReplyDeleteNewQ8 Bride: Thaaanks 7abebti wallaaah :***
ReplyDeletewallaaah I'm so glad I had the chance to meet you.. you are such a great Girl :*** love u
Happy Birthday to ur blog dear :*
ReplyDeleteswera: Thanks Dear Mag9rtaaai :*** :$$
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Ber00 !! ;) Kil 3am oo intay ib alf 5air to yourself and blog :p
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and Happy Blog-o-versary :D Enshalla many more to come! :D
ReplyDeleteHappyyyyy birthdaaaaaaaay!
ReplyDeleteBero0Q8 : sweeetieeee :******* kil 3am o ur blog ebkhair mnha lil a3la inshallah, u did awesome in ur 1st year :) wish u all the best 7abeebti :******
ReplyDeletesalem11293: Thaaaaanks Man O enta b5aair o 9e7aa o salama.. Thanks a Lot Wallah maga9art :D
ReplyDeleteJacqui : Thaaaaaanks Dear :**** Inshallah I'll Keep On Blogging :D
ReplyDeleteD: Thaaaanks Sweeite :****
ReplyDeleteRuBY_GLooM: Awwwww Ruby.. Thanks Alot sweetie :**** u r one of my dearest friends who i get to know through my blog :***
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday BeRo0Q8 ^_^ it's an amazing journey reading your post ;D wishing you all the best :**
ReplyDeleteHadi: Thanks a lot man.. you r one of the royal readers.. :D so thank you for supporting Bero0Q8